Lucas Dewaele, dagboek

Over fotografie en leven.

Month: February, 2020

Real diary (1205)

Life is simple, constructing things. lucas dewaele, suikerpark, veurne

Real diary (1204)

Life is simple, meeting my brave neighbor.

lucas dewaele, suikerpark, veurne, fotograaf

Real diary (1203)

Life is simple, infected by painters.

Real diary (1202)

Life is simple, in a old studio.

Real diary (1201)

Life is simple, in a new studio.

Real diary (1200)

Life is simple, at the Costa Brava.

Real diary (1199)

Life is simple, embrace the banality – la vita è semplice, abbracciando la banalità.

Real diary (1198)

Life is simple, meeting the professional.

lucas dewaele, fotograaf

Real diary (1197)

Life is simple, analyzing my brave, new world.


Real diary (1196)

Life is simple. Talking about art, politics and teachers, and the truth more or less.

Real diary (1195)

Life is simple. Written on a clean sheet of paper.

Real diary (1194)

Life is simple. Our model said so.

Real diary (1193)

Life is simple, watching each other.

Veurne, Lucas Dewaele, fotograaf